Sunday, May 3, 2020


Good Day!!  We are wondering how you are all doing and how you are holding up.  We also so that you are healthy and so are your families.  We also know this is not the case for some of you and we want everyone to know that we have you in our thoughts and prayers.  

This is becoming a more difficult time for both Shane and Wyatt.  Not from a physical health standpoint as both have been reasonably healthy.  But emotionally?  It is starting to take its toll.

When Shane and Wyatt were born, initially we questioned why they were born with Down syndrome.  We questioned why both?  What were the odds of this happening?  Why our family?  Today, we fully understand what a blessing they are, not just for our family but for so many people.  They are also blessed they have each other.  It is the bond they have that has kept them sane over the past few weeks.

From early in their lives, we have kept them as active as possible.  We have never shied away from the public or from including the twins in the community.  I believe this has helped them socialize and become the who they are today.  This is a big part of who they are and what they do.

Now suddenly, SOCIAL DISTANCING.  Who saw this coming?  While we may agree or disagree, we at least know what is happening and why.  Shane and Wyatt do not.  they do not understand why there is no school.  Why they stopped going out, even to the store.  Why no sporting events? Eating out?  It is starting to take its toll on them.

Everyday they ask when they wake, school?  The disappointment when they hear no.  They ask, baseball? Basketball?  Football?  And again disappointment.  Everyday, they dress themselves, pack their backpacks full and pretend they are going somewhere.  Shane especially will go outside and stand there and ……… wait……… look around……… and at times just looks sad.  He walked around the yard the other day for almost an hour like this.  All alone with his thoughts and dreams, I guess.  

They are really missing the social interaction that is such a big part of their sole and who they are.

Zoom and Facetime has helped and hurt.  They LOVE seeing their friends from school, Nana and Pop Pop, Trooper Tony and others but are also extremely frustrated when the calls end.  They do not understand why they just cannot see them in person or why the calls had to end.  We have come to expect the melt down after each call but understand the value and joy during the calls as well. 

We have started posting a #DailyHug photo every day.  We hope you enjoy this, and the responses have been awesome.  Shane and Wyatt have picked some of the photos that are posted, and they remember each person or situation of when the photo was taken.  This brings daily joy to them but also leads them to question why they are not out and about taking new photos instead of looking at the past.  They also are read all the replies and see the GIF’s and photos posted in reply.  We thank you for this.  

Coming back to why were they both born with Down syndrome?  Who knows, we no longer ask why but instead say Thank goodness.  This time would be so hard for them if they were going through this period without a partner.  I know there are many people and kids who are alone and trying to figure this out on their own terms.  I do not know what to say, except that I believe everyone should have a twin.  I know that is not possible.  

For now, we will continue to take this one day at a time.  We will get through this and hopefully we will stay healthy from this virus.  We will continue to think and pray for all of you and for your good health as well.  We will keep posting past hugs until we are out hugging again.

Please stay in touch and keep us in your thoughts and prayers.  We value our social media interaction until we can get back out again.

One last thing ………. DON’T MESS with FOOTBALL SEASON this fall.  We need to get to a bunch of games and if we do, all this staying home stuff will be forgotten.


Shane, Wyatt and the Waksmunski Family.