Every Monday, I can usually be found at home in my office answering emails, on conference calls or working on project. I office from home and my wife knows that while I am in the house, I am busy and can’t be disturbed unless there is an emergency. If I haven’t been seen in awhile she will make me something to eat which I appreciate.
Today, Jesse had one thing on his mind and that was to play with his Papa. Every opportunity he had, he asked, “Papa, wanna play with me?” I was so busy today and after I finished with my office day I needed to travel and for a meeting tomorrow in Boston. It was a crazy day. Then it happened, in attempted to buy some space and finish, I made a promise to Jesse. It was just before 3pm and I had a conference call at three that was very important. I told him that I needed to take a call and when I finished, I would play with him. His reply was simply “OK Papa.”
My call lasted about an hour. I remember at one point during the call thinking how quiet it was outside the closed door. Then the call ended and I said “Good Bye” and at that exact moment, the office door flew open. There was Jesse. I said, “Hey buddy, what’s going on?” He replied, “Papa, I was “considering” you.” I knew what he meant and thanked him.
“Are we going to play now?” Well, I made a promise and was not about to break it and proclaimed that it was Playtime. I told him that I would meet him in his room but first needed to check on Mommy to make sure she was OK. This is when I found out that Jesse sat outside my office door, listening and waiting to hear the words “Good Bye” signaling the end of my call and the start of our playtime. He waited and was very “considering” (considerate).
Playtime was a blast and I bet everyone heard us downstairs. We were laughing and just having fun. After awhile, I told him that I had to leave for work. Jesse asked me, “Do we need money?” I told him that I work so that we could have money. I told him that I work so that we could live in our house and so that he could have all the toys he has to play with. Jesse just sat there looking at me with a real serious look on his face and asked, “Papa, do you work so that I will have milk to drink?”
With a smile and holding back tears, I answered, “Yes Buddy, I work so that you have milk to drink.”
After hearing this, Jesse got up and walked over to me, and gave me a hug and kiss.
Obviously, there are many reasons why I have to work but for Jesse, I guess it means he will have his milk.