Sunday, January 23, 2011

"Super Wy" - Wyatt is facing surgery again.

I think one of the most difficult decisions a parent has to make is a decision concerning medical treatment or surgery for a child when he or she is unable to tell you exactly what hurts or how they are feeling.  The decision is easier to make if the situation is dire or that person is in immediate danger or if it involves life or death.  The situation with Wyatt is very complex and involves many issues.  I am trying to process each issue to make the decision that will provide the best care for him not only today but for the rest of his life.  Wyatt is having multiple issues right now from feeding, diaphragm, lung and others.  All or some may need to be surgically repaired.  Wyatt has proven after each operation, even minor, that he struggles to recover and the post op has proven to be a critical time for him.  His diaphragm repair is a major surgery that will require his chest to be completely opened and his recovery will be painful and take days afterwards.  I have requested a surgeon who has operated on him in the past.  Due to the complexity of the issues and the fact multiple concerns may need to be addressed during surgery, at least two pediatric surgeons will be needed.  As all of this is being evaluated with multiple specialists, this process it is taking a few days to complete.  Wyatt may not be fit to go into surgery several times and the load on his body and recovery also need to be considered.  He is in pain from time to time and I feel that the doctors are treating his pain as well as possible.  Unfortunately, pain is present. 
Wyatt has eventration of left Diaphragm.  What this means is that part of his Diaphragm is not working properly and needs to be repaired. 
He has lung disease related to atelectasis and also has moderate pleural effusion around his left lung.
Atelectasis is caused by pressure on the outside of the lung, this pressure on the lung is caused by buildup of fluid between the ribs and the lungs which is Pleural Effusion.  The result of this is difficulty in breathing and chest pain.  Wyatt had pleural effusion a few weeks ago as well had while in the hospital had a chest tube to drain this fluid.
Due to his feeding issues and related GI concerns, the doctors are also considering a J tube to replace his G tube.
Wyatt appears headed for surgery sometime this week.  He is struggling now and at times is real bad.  The nurses and doctors are watching him closely and doing all they can to keep him stable, hydrated, nourished and comfortable.  I am very happy with the care that he is receiving at Janet Weis Children's Hospital @ Geisinger.
Mary and I appreciate all the emails, responses on Twitter and Facebook and prayers that are being said for Wyatt and our family.  This is a difficult time for us and with your support, we will get through this.  I will continue to share our experiences as we go through this journey.  I hope that this experience helps educate some who read about us and helps others who may be dealing with challenges that may seem overwhelming.  Thank you for being part of our journey.

Please feel free to contact us at


  1. Your precious Wyatt (LOVE the Super WY nickname) is in my prayers. Always. He is such a trooper and so beautiful. Keep on keeping on Eric...hugs to you and your wife.

  2. Your family is in the prayers of our family.

  3. Thank you for this great update, Eric. I don't know where you find the strength or the time to do it, but you continue to do such a great job of attending to US... to our hearts that worry about your beautiful children, and to our minds that wonder what the heck is going on. Thank you for keeping us informed and educated. We pray for you all every day. May God guide you and Wyatt and his doctors safely through this, and get him home soon. Baseball season is right around the corner, you know... and Wyatt seems like he's going to be a baseball guy to me. ;) Love, Angela

  4. You will find the strength to get through this as you did before. Its not an easy road by any means hang on to each other. Gabriel and I are praying for you.

  5. So sad to have a sick child. I will keep him and your family in my prayers.
